Early career pre-conference - WEDNESDAY MAY 26, 2021

Scientific committee
Carolin Freiburg (Cologne, DE)Aubéri Henry (Reims, FR)
Marion Marchand (Paris, FR)
Pauline Nauroy (Freiburg, DE)
Julian Nüchel (Cologne, DE)
To attend the Early Career pre-conference:
please contact Pauline Nauroy, pauline.nauroy@uniklinik-freiburg.de
9:10 – 9:40 Keynote Lecture (Chair: Pauline Nauroy)
Tom Van Agtmael, University of Glasgow (United Kingdom)
“Mechanistic analysis of collagen IV mutations in vascular disease: from mouse model to stroke in the general population”
9:40 – 10:20 Career development event (Chairs: Marion Marchand and Carolin Freiburg)
“Choosing the best scientific environment for developing your career”
Panel list: Tom Van Agtmael (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom), Joanna Sherwood (University of Münster, Germany), Jacky Goetz (University of Strasbourg, France)
10:20 – 10:30 Break
10:30 – 12:00 Scientific talks and Flash talks selected from abstracts (Chairs: Aubéri Henry and Julian Nuechel)
10:30 – 11:00 Scientific talks session 1
Michael Cangkrama (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) “A pro-tumorigenic mDia2-MIRO1 cross-talk regulates the actin-mitochondrial network in cancer-associated fibroblasts”
Melissa Dussoyer (University of Lyon, France) “Proteomic characterization of skin extracellular matrix alterations in dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa”
11:00 – 11:15 Flash talks
Laurie Nemoz-Billet (University of Lyon, France) “Role of ECM in motor nerve development and regeneration in zebrafish”
Gregor Conradt (University of Freiburg, Germany) “Role of the ECM protein Collagen VII in immunity”
Kevin Toussaint (University of Reims, France) “Effects of transmembrane peptides inhibiting neuraminidase-1 activity on insulin receptor activation: cellular and integrated approach in a context of diseases associated to vascular aging”
11:15 – 12:00 Scientific talks session 2
Hana Hakami (McGill University, Canada) “Functional Roles of Fibulin-4 and Latent Transforming Growth Factor-β Binding Protein-4 in Elastogenesis”
Matthias Przyklenk (University of Cologne, Germany) “Studies on processing and function of the C-terminus of the collagen VI α3 chain”
Julia Marzi (University of Tübingen, Germany) “Identification of potential biomarkers to monitor ECM remodelling in aortic aneurysm”
Abstract submission and contribution
Please use the abstract submission of the main conference to submit your abstract and follow abstract preparation guidelines if you apply only to the early career scientists session.Flash talks are a unique opportunity for very young scientists such as Master students or young PhD students that do not have enough data yet to submit a full scientific abstract to prepare a few slides to pitch their project. Our aim is to help them developing their oral communication skills because we know how it is complicated with the Covid-19 pandemic.
All early career scientists are also invited to prepare a very short talk to explain a technical problem that they are facing at the moment in the lab to hopefully obtain some help from the community.
We are also interested by any new method/technique developed by early career scientists in their lab and that they would like to share.
To participate to the flash talks or if you need more information, please directly e-mail to Aubéri Henry auberi.henry@univ-reims.fr
We are looking forward to see you in May! Registrations are already open.
Deadline is 30.04.2021
If you have any questions please contact:
Carolin Freiburg, carolin.freiburg@uk-koeln.de
Pauline Nauroy, pauline.nauroy@uniklinik-freiburg.de